Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hacking the Registry to run a specific script when voice mail arrives

Here is a way to edit the registry of the Windows Mobile 5 Phone so that the voice mail notifications repeat more than once.

You need a registry editor (Google around and you should find some out there for the Pocket PC world).

Once you launch you registry editor, you need to go to the following registry path:


The two keys that we are interested in modifying are as follows:

Sound: Allows you to indicate the sound file you would like to play for notifications. An example would be this value “\YodaRing\yodamessag.mp3”

Script: which is a way for you to instruct the phone on what to do in the event of a voice mail arrival as explained below.

The following are the meaning of the codes that I was able to locate so far… if you find any more then please go ahead and share.

a = Alert
p = Play sound (plays the file that you indicate under the "Sound" key)
v0 = Vibrate 0 (vibrates until the sound is played)
vx = Vibrate for X amount of seconds
wx = WAIT for x amount of seconds
r = Repeat (This basically tells the computer to repeat everything before it... careful)
f1 = Flash on (activates the fast flashing LED)
f0 = Flash off (deactivate fast flashing LED)

So if I wanted to play my Yoda voice mail alert message for say three times over 3 minutes then I would create the following value for the Script key:


If I wanted to the do the same thing only add flashing during that time I would modify the script as follows:


Hope this helps you and good luck.

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